
Player 1 (You)

pieces: 0

captures: 0

(AI) Player 2

time:  0 ms

pieces: 0

captures: 0

  • Two players take turns placing stones of their color on an intersection of the board.

  • The game ends when one player manages to captures ten opposing stones or align five stones or more.

  • A player that manages to align five stones only wins if the opponent can not break this alignment by capturing a pair, or if he has already lost four pairs and the opponent can capture one more, therefore winning by capture.

  • You can capture a pair of your opponent’s stones to remove it from the board by flanking them with your own stones.

  • It is forbidden to play a move that introduces two free-three alignments, which would guarantee a win by alignment.

  • No limit to the number of stones.



time out
